However, the authorities are free to determine that a threat of injury is more likely to be realized if the dumped imports continue. 但是,如倾销进口产品继续发生,则主管机关有权确定损害威胁更有可能出现。
The two sides should make full use of the preferential policies for the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area and bring out our comparative advantages to expand imports and exports. 双方应该充分利用中国-东盟自贸区的优惠政策,发挥各自的比较优势,扩大进出口规模。
In the case of quotas administered through licences which are not allocated among supplying countries, licence holders shall be free to choose the sources of imports. 在配额通过不在供应国之间进行分配的许可管理的情况下,许可证持有者有权选择进口产品的来源。
Foreign commodity stocks free tax zone, need not pay imports custom duty, passable freedom is exported, need to hand in memory to expend only with a few charge, but if should be entered, close condition criterion to need to pay custom duty. 外国商品存入保税区,不必缴纳进口关税,尚可自由出口,只需交纳存储费和少量费用,但假如要进入关境则需交纳关税。
The National Foreign Trade Council, a US business group that lobbies for free trade, urged the US Congress not to impose tariffs on imports from countries such as China and India that have agreed only to slow emissions growth, not to cut it. 主张自由贸易的美国商业组织美国对外贸易委员会(nftc)敦促美国国会不要对从中国和印度等国进口的产品征收关税,这些国家只同意减缓排放增长,而不是减少排放总量。
The benefits from free trade come more from imports than from exports. 自由贸易的好处更多地来自进口,而非出口。
The damage of this US farm bill to the free trade, said Schott, has far surpassed the damage brought about by the measure of imposing tariffs on steel imports. 萧特说,美国此一农业法案对自由贸易的伤害,远超过课徵钢铁进口税的措施所构成的伤害。
Does Foreign-funded enterprises enjoy free imports of equipment needed for production? 外商投资企业能否免税进口生产所需的设备?
Canada is protected by stronger government procurement rules under the North American Free Trade Agreement, and had to be given special exemptions during earlier US attempts to restrict steel imports. 加拿大受到北美自由贸易协定(northamericanfreetradeagreement)中更为强大的政府采购规定的保护,在此前美国试图限制钢铁进口时,加拿大曾得到特别豁免。